Show Status Bar in Excel (Easiest Way in 2025)
In this article, we will show you how to add a status bar in Excel. Simply follow the steps below.
Where Is the Status Bar in Excel
To show the status bar in Excel, simply follow the steps below.
1. Finding the Bottom Area
Move your eyes to the bottom of the Excel window. The status bar is located here. It’s a horizontal bar stretching across the bottom.

2. Identifying Key Information
Look at the status bar. It displays information such as the sum, average, and count of selected cells. This helps you quickly see data summaries.

3. Monitoring Zoom Level
Look at the right side of the status bar. You will see the zoom slider. This lets you adjust the view of your worksheet.

4. Using the View Buttons
On the far right of the status bar, there are view buttons. They let you switch between Normal, Page Layout, and Page Break views.

5. Understanding the Cell Mode Indicator
On the left side of the status bar, see the cell mode indicator. It shows the current mode such as Ready, Enter, or Edit.

We hope you now have a better understanding of how to show the status bar in Excel. If you enjoyed this article, you might also like our article on range reference in Excel or our article on how to modify the status bar in Excel.