Range Reference in Excel: The Ultimate Guide in 2025
In this article, we will explain how to use a range reference in Excel. Read on to learn more!
What Is a Range Reference in Excel?
In Excel, a range reference identifies a cell or a group of cells within a spreadsheet. These cells can be contiguous (adjacent) or non-contiguous (not adjacent).
Range references are useful for performing calculations, creating charts, and applying functions across multiple data points.
Types of Range References
Single Cell Reference: This type refers to one specific cell, like A1 or D5. It is used when you need to reference or perform an action on a single data point.

Multi-Cell Contiguous Range Reference: This includes a series of cells that are next to each other, either in a row, a column, or a block of cells.
For example, A1:A10 (single column) or A1:C1 (single row) or A1:C10 (a block).

Non-Contiguous Range Reference: This refers to two or more separate ranges that are not adjacent to each other. For example, A1 and C1. This type of reference is useful when you need to perform operations on multiple, separate areas of your spreadsheet simultaneously.

How to Use Range References
Here are some practical examples on how to use range references in Excel:
1. Basic Operations
You can perform basic operations like sum, average, and multiplication over a range of cells. For instance, if you have daily sales data from B1 to B10, to find the total, you can use the following formula:

2. Finding Maximum Sales
If you want to find the highest sales value in the same range, you can use this formula:

This formula tells Excel to look through cells B1 to B10 and find the highest number.
3. Creating a Summary Table
Suppose you have a table in A1:B10 where A contains product names and B contains sales. To sum sales by the product “Apple”, you can use the following formula:
=SUMIF(A1:A10, “Apple”, B1:B10)
Here’s what this formula does:
A1: The range where Excel should look for the product name “Apple”.
“Apple”: The criteria Excel should use to find the matching cells.
B1: The range of cells that contains the sales amounts to sum.

We hope that you now have a better understanding of how to use a range reference in Excel. If you enjoyed this article, you might also like our articles on how to reference a named range in Excel and how to show the status bar in Excel.